
A blog about leadership and confidence.

by Lisa Hinz     •      Leadership Development

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Fighting Self-Doubting Thoughts

Fighting Self-Doubt

Self-doubting thoughts and the fear of being found a fraud consume your mind.


“I don’t know if I deserved this opportunity.” “What if they find out I’m not as smart as they thought I was?” “I know there are other people who deserved this opportunity more than I did – what if they figure that out?”


Imagine how life might be different if you were able to clear those self-doubting thoughts and imposter experiences away and embrace self-confidence. How might that change your career? Your personal life?


Many believe that if they achieve “this” or accomplish “that” then confidence will finally establish permanent residence within them. Or taking a one-hour course or attending a conference will make the difference. That’s not how confidence works.  There’s not an off and on switch.


It’s a skill. It takes practice. It takes awareness. It needs to be developed. It needs to be nurtured.


You don’t run a marathon after only running around the block once.  It takes time and consistency to build up your endurance.


My 12-week program, Elevating Career Confidence, is 12 weeks for a reason. It’s to transform – not to serve as a band-aid. Transformation doesn’t happen overnight. It doesn’t happen by running around the block once. You’ve got to dive deeper and really get to know yourself.


So I’ll ask again - how might life be different if you were able to clear those self-doubting thoughts and imposter experiences away and embrace your self-confidence?


Elevating Career Confidence can show you.


Reach out and let’s talk – I’m here to help you transform.

Lisa Hinz Writing

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