The Confidence Track

Leadership Coaching and Programs


Through strengthening leadership confidence and coaching, I help women achieve higher levels of success. Rid yourself of the self-doubt that can hold you back and step into self-confidence to propel you forward.

Women's Leadership Success

Mastermind Programs

Womens Leadership Success Mastermind
Women's leadership success mastermind groups are collaborative and supportive communities specifically designed to empower women in their leadership journeys. These groups bring together ambitious and driven women who are committed to personal and professional growth. What you gain through this program:

Strengthened critical leadership skills and insights.

Confidence, accountability, and motivation.

Diverse perspectives, peer support, collaboration, and learning opportunities.

Creating the Habit of Confidence

Digital Master Course

Lisa The Confidence Track 1
This transformative master course doesn't just stop at breaking old habits; it propels participants forward by instilling new, constructive habits that actively support the development of stronger self-confidence.

Crush the self-doubt that has been holding you back.

Learn strategies that can help you create new constructive habits in all areas of life.

Feel unstoppable with stronger self-confidence!

Leadership & Executive Coaching

Working with a leadership and confidence coach helps you to elevate your full potential, overcome self-doubt, and thrive as a leader. What you receive with coaching:

Personalized guidance and support.

Enhanced self-awareness and confidence.

Accelerated growth and achievement.

Speaking Engagements, Webinars & Workshops

Lisa Hinz WTS KickOff
Lisa delivers engaging speeches, workshops and webinars. If you're looking for a dynamic speaker who delivers impact, please contact Lisa. Her topics include:

Winning the Battle Against Imposter Syndrome

The Power Within: Self-Advocacy Skills for Women

Cultivating Leadership Presence & Thriving in the Workplace

VP Bound: 3 Steps to Executive Leadership

Justine J.

"Lisa will ask you all the right questions to identify areas for you to grow and exceed in your career. She is insightful while providing tangible next steps that can be applied to your work immediately. Look no further, she will coach you to play at your highest potential!"

Stephanie E.

“I loved working with Lisa! She and I had 12 one-on-one coaching sessions and she helped me achieve the awareness, clarity and empowerment that I needed to get me unstuck and propel me forward towards my goals.”

Mandi R.

"I had an amazing experience doing Lisa's women's leadership program. It not only increased my confidence and my assertiveness, but also my overall comfort level and authenticity within the workplace. My manager and I completed the program together and the things we have learned and have been able to share with each other have been insanely beneficial to our team's development and growth.

Highly recommend for anyone early in their career & college students all the way up to senior leadership. If you are looking to improve your leadership, confidence, and silence your personal doubts, this is a great course to consider!"

Brooke B.

“Lisa Hinz has created a very solid, collaborative program that has affected my career path in a big way. The modules were pertinent to my position and the knowledge could be immediately applied. My "take-aways" were identifying my core values, identifying my personal saboteurs, and how my Energy Leadership Index (ELI) changes in response to stress. It has also been helpful for me to identify my own leadership style, communication style, and methods that will help me combat my personal roadblocks and achieve success.

This program gave me the confidence to apply for a master's degree program, ask for a promotion from my boss, and volunteer for company outreach events - all of which have produced positive outcomes. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking for a deep dive into how they can perpetuate their "best self" in both personal and corporate spaces.”

Amber S.

"This was such an AMAZING course - thank you, Lisa!  I'm grateful my company provided this opportunity to myself and my peers. It can be overwhelming, intimidating at times, to work at a large company, in an industry which is predominately male dominated.

The tools acquired and skills strengthened during our program have undoubtedly given me the confidence to be a more effective leader. It was eye-opening to learn so much about myself as a leader - areas for improvement and also hidden strengths, both which require equal attention!

Thank you again, Lisa - the team has vowed to keep the momentum going!"

Gio DiDomenico, PE, P.Eng

"Lisa is an excellent speaker who provides thoughtful insight on leadership topics and practical ways for her audience to apply them in their daily lives. Lisa spoke about imposter syndrome at a industry young professionals event that I attended. I left with a greater understanding of imposter syndrome, how it manifests in my life, and some actions I could take to combat it when it arises. I found Lisa's address to be relatable, yet transformative. I would highly recommend Lisa as a speaker on leadership topics at your next event."

Alston G., Wireless Network Operator Company

"Our teams really enjoyed hearing from Lisa on Imposter Syndrome. Lisa’s well put together presentation had a variety of helpful information, and it was incredible to hear her personal stories around overcoming Imposter Syndrome. She gave our employees a chance to ask questions, and we all walked away feeling better equipped to tackle this syndrome in our daily lives."

Toni O., Proposal Operations Group Lead, Ball Aerospace

“I have known Lisa for 10 years and once I heard she started a women’s focused Leadership Success program I knew I needed to participate. Each week the class would focus on topics that all of us could relate to as working professionals. The group would openly discuss our perspectives and takeaways on the topics - oftentimes I would leave class with a new view of the topic. It was enlightening to hear the perspectives of the women in group, refreshing to know I wasn’t alone in my experiences, and encouraging to receive support from others! “

Lindsay M., Assistant Vice President, TranSystems

“The Women’s Leadership Success Mastermind was one of the most valuable leadership courses I have attended. Learning about how to identify roadblocks and strategies to overcome them or how to change gears for the better will go a long way in my career development. We discussed more than the “traditional” leadership qualities and we worked through techniques that dug deep into the softer side of the AEC business and how to use these skills in the industry. For example, learning about empathetic leadership and emotional intelligence and how to leverage them. Most importantly, we had several opportunities to bring our own experiences to the table and discuss successes and learn from others. As a benefit, the convenience of online sessions allowed me to still travel for work and not miss a beat. Lastly, I had the privilege of meeting extraordinary women in my industry that are in different roles and gain new viewpoints that I don’t think I would have found in a different setting. Thank you, Lisa!”

Kristine M., Marketing Manager

“Working with Lisa through the Women’s Leadership Success Mastermind Program was such a valuable experience. I appreciated the guidance and insight she provided as well as the ability to collaborate with and learn from my program-mates. The tools I’ve gained through the program have been beneficial to my successes and have helped navigate any tribulations.”

Holly L., Construction Manager, EST, Inc.

“Lisa was a wonderful mentor for the Women’s Leadership Success Mastermind Program. It was an excellent course for women who wish to advance their leadership skills. The sessions provide valuable insights, encouragement, and self accountability. The program also covered topics like communication skills, emotional intelligence, and goal-setting. Overall, it is a fantastic investment for those looking to amplify their leadership abilities, and the networking with like-minded individuals was a wonderful benefit as well. Thank you Lisa for everything. Sad that it ended so soon!”

Lisa is Certified In:

certified (3)
certified (1)
certified (1)
certified (4)

Questions About Women's Leadership Confidence Programs

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The Confidence Track