
A blog about leadership and confidence.

by Lisa Hinz     •      Leadership Development

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Taking the Road Less Traveled

Road Less Traveled - The Confidence Track

I took the road less traveled over the weekend, and it reminded me of something so important…


I spent the last six days in Nebraska seeing my mom and siblings.  We went out to eat Friday night at a hot spot in a small town not far away.


If I had driven, I would’ve taken the highway.


But my brother drove and he took the back roads the entire way – the road less traveled.


I hadn’t been on that route for years. I had forgotten how beautiful it was in that area.


I was amazed at the beauty. The green rolling hills, trees, and farmsteads were so peaceful. The deer and her spotted fawn watched us as we drove by…


It reminded me that the road less traveled is often the one that gives us awareness, perspective, and appreciation.


It gave me a refreshed perspective on the importance of slowing down and enjoying the gifts that surround us but often go unnoticed as we hurry through life.


Why are we always in such a hurry? Where are we actually going? Is there truly an important destination or are we just caught in a perpetual mission to busy ourselves in order to feel like we have a purpose?


Give yourself the gift of slowing down every so often. Take the road less traveled. Stop and watch. Listen. Smell. Feel. Bring your awareness to the present and enjoy what surrounds you. Even if just for a moment…


It’s one of the best gifts you can give yourself in this crazy busy world.

Lisa Hinz Writing

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