The Mirror Effect: Unveiling the Connection Between Self-Opinion and Self-Confidence

The Mirror Effect: Unveiling the Connection Between Self-Opinion and Self-Confidence In the intricate dance of self-discovery and personal growth, there exists a silent orchestrator that shapes the melody of our self-confidence: our self-opinion.   This internal dialogue, often nuanced and subtle, is the powerful force that can either propel us to new heights or confine…

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How to Free Yourself from the Chains of Perfectionism

How to Free Yourself from the Chains of Perfectionism Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can drive you to excel and achieve your goals, but on the other, it can become a paralyzing force that keeps you from moving forward.   An example: Many years ago, I had been asked to leave…

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Acting Confidently Can Build Confidence

Acting Confidently Can Build Confidence Acting confident can build confidence through a psychological phenomenon known as the “confidence-competence loop” principle. This concept is based on the interplay between behavior, emotions, and thoughts.   Some might refer to it as “fake it till you make it.”   I don’t prefer that term. I like to look…

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