Find Your People and Enrich Your Life

Find Your People and Enrich Your Life I had the best therapy ever – a week with my sisters…   We have had annual sisters’ trips for the last 25+ years. We are always told by many how lucky we are. And we do realize we have something special that not everyone has and are forever…

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Taking the Road Less Traveled

Taking the Road Less Traveled I took the road less traveled over the weekend, and it reminded me of something so important…   I spent the last six days in Nebraska seeing my mom and siblings.  We went out to eat Friday night at a hot spot in a small town not far away.  …

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One thing people experiencing Imposter Syndrome DON’T want to do but should…

One thing people experiencing Imposter Syndrome DON’T want to do but should… One thing people experiencing Imposter Syndrome DON’T want to do but should…   Talk about it.   I know. Doesn’t seem ideal. You’re already afraid that people will find you a fraud, so the last thing you want to do is spoon-feed everyone by saying,…

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As a leader – instill confidence in others

Instilling Confidence in Others As a leader, are you building confidence within your team or are you tearing it down?   Four ways you can help boost their confidence:   1.  Express your confidence in them. Let them know you believe in them and their ability to accomplish what you’re assigning them to do. Don’t assume…

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