The Confidence Track

Leadership Success Mastermind

What are Mastermind Groups?

Women's leadership success mastermind groups are collaborative and supportive communities specifically designed to empower women in their leadership journeys. These groups bring together ambitious and driven women who are committed to personal and professional growth.

Not only will you gain and strengthen key leadership skills and insights, but you will also receive great benefit from the power of the collective wisdom shared amongst professionals in a small group environment. Everyone will have the opportunity to share their perspectives and experiences and provide critical feedback to help each other grow and succeed.

For companies and organizations: We offer four-month programs and six-month programs, which are great for Employee Resource Groups, Affinity Groups, Leadership Groups, and Organizations. See details below and contact Lisa to discuss how we can offer this program to your employees.

For the public: We offer some open mastermind programs each year that you can participate in. Watch this page (or click here) for updates on upcoming masterminds.

For individuals: If you would like a VIP one-on-one experience, you can opt to go through either program individually with Lisa Hinz.


Four-Month Program Outline

DURATION: 4-Month Program

8 Live Virtual 90-Minute Sessions - every other week. Some sessions can be held in-person - to be determined with client's needs.

To be determined with client

SIZE OF GROUP: Maximum of 10 participants in each cohort. We can have several individual cohorts running at the same time. These small cohorts allow participants to more easily engage and share their ideas, perspectives, and experiences with one another.

• Two one-on-one 60-minute coaching sessions per participant.
• Energy Leadership Index Attitudinal Assessment and personal one-on-one debrief per participant.

An attitudinal assessment that captures how you perceive and approach work and life and how it impacts you, your organization, and those around you. The assessment and debrief are separate from the group sessions, will be done individually with each employee, and do not need to be completed prior to program starting. Debriefs take 60 to 90 minutes.

In this first session, we will have introductions to get to know each other. We’ll then dive into Authentic Leadership - embracing your uniqueness and staying true to YOU while succeeding. Organizations that foster authentic behavior are more likely to have employees who are engaged and motivated in their jobs.

Authentic leadership has been known to increase employee morale, boost productivity, create a stronger culture, and strengthen trust.

Learn the signs and effects of imposter syndrome and four ways to manage it. We will address the main confidence roadblocks: limiting beliefs, assumptions, and interpretations, and how they can hinder one’s success and leadership abilities.

Empathetic Leadership is becoming increasingly more important than ever in the workplace. Learn how to not lose touch with those you lead and connect more strongly, which builds trust and deeper relationships. We’ll discuss effective methods that make having tough conversations easier by using a coaching approach with an empathetic leader mindset.

Members can share a leadership-related challenge they would like the group’s feedback on. Group coaching and discussions can be very powerful as oftentimes what one person is facing is a
challenge that others have faced as well. This is where we learn from each other and establish a deeper connection with those in your group.

Being a leader requires one to constantly make decisions - learn ways to make intelligent and conscious choices and how doing so affects your performance as a leader. Learn methods to help prioritize your
projects, protect your schedule, delegate more efficiently, let go of perfectionism, and confidently say no.

Learn ways to motivate, inspire, and influence your team and others you work with. Communicating and leading is not simply done by how one speaks, but also by how one listens, acts, and responds. This covers nonverbal, listening, and speaking. Also, learn how to be direct with your communication in a succinct way that gets your point across without giving more information or details than necessary.

Defining your leadership vision provides motivation, focus, and direction for where you are and where you want to go. Your personal leadership brand is what differentiates you from others. It tells others who you are, the values you embrace, and how you express those values through your work and leadership. Your leadership brand can highlight your strengths, build trust, and communicate the expertise you bring to your industry.

In the final session, you will learn how self-care and success can coexist. Adopt methods to help set boundaries to combat stress and burnout and to help prioritize what’s most important to you as a human being, not just as an employee. To end, we’ll discuss how we, as women, can support and encourage other women within the industry and help them to stay the course and achieve success. We’re going to have some fun in this final and celebratory session!

Six-Month Program Outline

DURATION: 6-Month Program

12 Live Virtual 90-Minute Sessions - every other week. Some sessions can be held in-person - to be determined with client's needs.

To be determined with client

SIZE OF GROUP: Maximum of 10 participants in each cohort. We can have several individual cohorts running at the same time. These small cohorts allow participants to more easily engage and share their ideas, perspectives, and experiences with one another.

• Two one-on-one 60-minute coaching sessions per participant.
• Energy Leadership Index Attitudinal Assessment and personal one-on-one debrief per participant.

An attitudinal assessment that captures how you perceive and approach work and life and how it impacts you, your organization, and those around you. The assessment and debrief are separate from the group sessions, will be done individually with each employee, and do not need to be completed prior to program starting. Debriefs take 60 to 90 minutes.

In this first session, we will have introductions to get to know each other. We’ll then dive into Authentic Leadership - embracing your uniqueness and staying true to YOU while succeeding. Organizations that foster authentic behavior are more likely to have employees who are engaged and motivated in their jobs.


Authentic leadership has been known to increase employee morale, boost productivity, create a stronger culture, and strengthen trust.

Learn the signs and effects of imposter syndrome and four ways to manage it. We will address the main confidence roadblocks: limiting beliefs, assumptions, and interpretations, and how they can hinder one’s success and leadership abilities.

Members can share a leadership-related challenge they would like the group’s feedback on. Group coaching and discussions can be very powerful as oftentimes what one person is facing is a challenge that others have faced as well. This is where we learn from each other and establish a deeper connection with those in your group.

Emotional Intelligence is pivotal to the success of every profession. To be successful in a continuously changing and complex environment, having more than technical expertise is critical. Having the mental
ability to reason validly with emotional information allows you to not only better understand and regulate your own emotions, but to better understand your customer’s needs, and connect with others. We will dive into the various aspects of Emotional Intelligence - awareness, expression, and managing emotions, as well as how we respond to others.

Empathetic Leadership is becoming increasingly more important than ever in the workplace. Learn how to not lose touch with those you lead and connect more strongly, which builds trust and deeper relationships. We’ll discuss effective methods that make having tough conversations easier by using a coaching approach with an empathetic leader mindset.

Being a leader requires one to constantly make decisions - learn ways to make intelligent and conscious choices and how doing so affects your performance as a leader. Learn methods to help prioritize your
projects, protect your schedule, delegate more efficiently, let go of perfectionism, and confidently say no.

Members can share a leadership-related challenge they would like the group’s feedback on. Group coaching and discussions can be very powerful as oftentimes what one person is facing is a
challenge that others have faced as well. This is where we learn from each other and establish a deeper connection with those in your group.

Learn ways to motivate, inspire, and influence your team and others you work with. Communicating and leading is not simply done by how one speaks, but also by how one listens, acts, and responds. This covers nonverbal, listening, and speaking. Also, learn how to be direct with your communication in a succinct way that gets your point across without giving more information or details than necessary.

Research shows that only 50% of the time spent in meetings is effective and that more than $37 billion is wasted EACH year on unproductive meetings. Learn strategies to make you a star at running meetings with purpose, clarity, leadership, and impact.

Defining your leadership vision provides motivation, focus, and direction for where you are and where you want to go. Your personal leadership brand is what differentiates you from others. It tells others who you are, the values you embrace, and how you express those values through your work and leadership. Your leadership brand can highlight your strengths, build trust, and communicate the expertise you bring to your industry.

Members can share a leadership-related challenge they would like the group’s feedback on. Group coaching and discussions can be very powerful as oftentimes what one person is facing is a challenge that others have faced as well. This is where we learn from each other and establish a deeper connection with those in your group.

In the final session, you will learn how self-care and success can coexist. Adopt methods to help set boundaries to combat stress and burnout and to help prioritize what’s most important to you as a human being, not just as an employee. To end, we’ll discuss how we, as women, can support and encourage other women within the industry and help them to stay the course and achieve success. We’re going to have some fun in this final and celebratory session!

Previous Public Mastermind Programs


Lisa Hinz The Confidence Track

I'm a former director of a Fortune 300 company where I led a team of 75 talented individuals spanning across the U.S. and Canada. I've hired a lot of talent over the years - and fired some. I created a lot of professional development programs over the years.

That all looks and sounds great on paper.

What my resume doesn't show you is that I am also a Reformed Imposter and Realness Crusader. And I earned those titles the hard way.

I struggled greatly with imposter syndrome and struggled with showing up authentically for years.

I was so focused on being polished, professional, and perfect - based on what notion, I'm not even sure. I struggled with feeling my successes weren't really deserved and often felt like a fraud who didn't belong where she was.

The thing is - I struggled with this silently. For a long time. I didn't talk about it with anyone, which is not uncommon for people who feel this way. It started wearing on me - mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Until one day - I broke.

I no longer recognized myself in the mirror. I didn't like who I had become. I no longer looked forward to much of anything. I knew I wasn't showing up as my best self at work. My sister pointed out that I didn't laugh anymore - that one was really a gut punch. I hit the proverbial "brick wall."

Fast forward - I wish my younger self knew what I know now. I could have saved her a lot of struggle. I've learned a lot over the years on how to deal with self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and feeling the pressures of portraying a certain persona.

I don't want other women to go through what I did - I want to help them before they hit their brick wall. That's why I created The Confidence Track and programs like this one. I'm your champion - that little voice that tells you that you can do it and you deserve the great things happening to you. I am for you what I wish I had for my younger self.

You have a beautiful gift to share with this world - don't let your self-made clouds prevent your light from shining brightly for all to see. You need to see, feel, and experience who you were made to be.

Lindsay M., Assistant Vice President, TranSystems

“The Women’s Leadership Success Mastermind was one of the most valuable leadership courses I have attended. Learning about how to identify roadblocks and strategies to overcome them or how to change gears for the better will go a long way in my career development. We discussed more than the “traditional” leadership qualities and we worked through techniques that dug deep into the softer side of the AEC business and how to use these skills in the industry. For example, learning about empathetic leadership and emotional intelligence and how to leverage them. Most importantly, we had several opportunities to bring our own experiences to the table and discuss successes and learn from others. As a benefit, the convenience of online sessions allowed me to still travel for work and not miss a beat. Lastly, I had the privilege of meeting extraordinary women in my industry that are in different roles and gain new viewpoints that I don’t think I would have found in a different setting. Thank you, Lisa!”

Toni O., Proposal Operations Group Lead, Ball Aerospace

“I have known Lisa for 10 years and once I heard she started a women’s focused Leadership Success program I knew I needed to participate. Each week the class would focus on topics that all of us could relate to as working professionals. The group would openly discuss our perspectives and takeaways on the topics - oftentimes I would leave class with a new view of the topic. It was enlightening to hear the perspectives of the women in group, refreshing to know I wasn’t alone in my experiences, and encouraging to receive support from others! “

Holly L.

"Lisa was a wonderful mentor for the Women's Leadership Success Mastermind Program. It was an excellent course for women who wish to advance their leadership skills. The sessions provide valuable insights, encouragement, and self accountability. The program also covered topics like communication skills, emotional intelligence, and goal-setting. Overall, it is a fantastic investment for those looking to amplify their leadership abilities, and the networking with like-minded individuals was a wonderful benefit as well. Thank you Lisa for everything. Sad that it ended so soon!"

Kristine M., Marketing Manager

“Working with Lisa through the Women’s Leadership Success Mastermind Program was such a valuable experience. I appreciated the guidance and insight she provided as well as the ability to collaborate with and learn from my program-mates. The tools I’ve gained through the program have been beneficial to my successes and have helped navigate any tribulations.”

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The Confidence Track