
A blog about leadership and confidence.

by Lisa Hinz     •      Leadership Development

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One thing people experiencing Imposter Syndrome DON’T want to do but should…

Imposter Syndrome

One thing people experiencing Imposter Syndrome DON’T want to do but should…


Talk about it.


I know. Doesn’t seem ideal. You’re already afraid that people will find you a fraud, so the last thing you want to do is spoon-feed everyone by saying, “Hey, I’m kind of feeling like I’m out of my realm here…”


But here’s why you should talk about it.


When you keep your feelings of imposter syndrome a secret, they grow bigger and become stronger. You feel like you’re the only one experiencing it. When you talk about it, you may be amazed at how many other people admit to feeling the same and feel relief that they’re also not alone.


Research has shown that finding a mentor, peer, or coach who you trust and feel comfortable talking with can make a big difference.


Pushfar posted results from a study showing that 87 percent of mentors and mentees feel empowered by the relationship and reported greater confidence. However, only 37% of professionals have a mentor.


If you want to talk about your experience with imposter syndrome – send me a message. I’m happy to talk through it.

Lisa Hinz Writing

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