Confidence Tracks - A blog about leadership, success, confidence, authenticity, and communication.

Quit Over-Apologizing How many times do you start a sentence with an apology? Or hear someone else do it? Instead of saying, "I'm sorry" say, "Thank you" instead. Studies have shown that women tend to apologize more frequently than men, and that can reinforce gender stereotypes about women being more apologetic and less assertive. Over ... Read More
Only YOU Are In Charge of Your Career Here's a hard truth. As much as you'd like your manager to care as much about your career as you do - they don't. I'm not saying they don't care. I'm saying that no one is as invested in your career as you are. If you want ... Read More
Balancing Motherhood and a Career For the working moms out there, life can feel like a chaotic balancing act. Running from daycare to the client's boardroom, making sure you remembered your printouts and laptop when grabbing the diaper bag, being organized is a matter of survival. Here's a statistic from Gender Equality Index ... Read More
The Mirror Effect: Unveiling the Connection Between Self-Opinion and Self-Confidence In the intricate dance of self-discovery and personal growth, there exists a silent orchestrator that shapes the melody of our self-confidence: our self-opinion. This internal dialogue, often nuanced and subtle, is the powerful force that can either propel us to new heights or confine ... Read More
Cultivating Success: The Power of Habits in Transforming Your Life We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle In the tapestry of our lives, habits are the threads that weave our daily existence. From the moment we wake up to the time we lay our ... Read More
Unlocking Potential: The Power and Necessity of Mentorship Programs in the Workplace In the fast-paced landscape of today's professional world, the role of mentorship programs has become more crucial than ever. These programs not only serve as a catalyst for individual growth but also contribute significantly to the overall success of organizations. Let's delve ... Read More
Coaching Leadership: Empowering Your Team for Success In today's dynamic and rapidly changing business landscape, a coaching approach to leadership has gained widespread recognition as an effective and empowering way to lead teams. By embracing this approach, leaders can create an environment that fosters employee development, enhances performance, and drives organizational success. In this ... Read More
The Art of Confidence: It's Not a Constant Trait, But a Skill to Cultivate Confidence, often seen as an alluring quality, is not a fixed attribute that some are born with and others lack. It's a dynamic and fluid skill that can be honed and refined through practice and self-awareness. We'll explore the idea ... Read More
9 Reasons Why Empathetic Leadership is Important Because you don't need a lot of accolades therefore you don't give those on your team accolades, you're making your leadership position solely about you, not your team. There are leaders I've coached who have this mindset. They lead based on their own personal needs and preferences. ... Read More
How to Free Yourself from the Chains of Perfectionism Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can drive you to excel and achieve your goals, but on the other, it can become a paralyzing force that keeps you from moving forward. An example: Many years ago, I had been asked to leave ... Read More