Your energy level determines your success

Your energy level determines your success as a leader. Your energy level determines your success.   Which level are you at? You might be surprised.   Energy Leadership Index Assessment – an attitudinal assessment that shows you how you’re showing up each day based on your attitude, and your perception and perspective of your world.…

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How are YOU Showing Up Each Day?

How Are YOU Showing Up Each Day? You start your day in a “less than stellar” mood. That mood carries with you throughout the day and follows you home. You’re not even exactly sure why…   The mood accompanies you to meetings, one-on-one discussions with people on your team, and dinner with your family.   When…

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How empathetic are you?

How Empathetic Are You? Empathy – if you could rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most empathetic, how would you rate yourself?  Looking at the same scale, how would you rate your manager? How would you rate your senior leadership team?   Empathetic Leadership is a term that comes up…

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Thinking vs. Doing

Thinking vs. Doing How often do you spend more time thinking about what you need to do vs. actually doing it?   Thinking about something may give an illusion that you’re working on it, but how productive are you unless you take action?   Here are some tips for better time management:   1. Track how…

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The One Thing to Know When Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparing Yourself to Others We live in a super comparative world.   Social media has certainly played its role in allowing us to see the ultimate lives that people outwardly project.  In the comfort of our own homes, we sit behind our computer screens or phones and check out what everyone is doing, wondering why…

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Introducing: The Confidence Track

The Confidence Track – Elevating Career Confidence For more than a decade I have wanted to build this business, but I first had a different path to follow.    Although I didn’t realize it at the time, that path helped me to build a deeper understanding of what leadership is and what it isn’t.  …

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