How to Manage Burnout as a Leader

How to Manage Burnout as a Leader Burnout. It sucks the life out of you. It follows you everywhere you go – like a little lost puppy, except that it’s not cute and you’re not tempted to keep it.   Managing burnout is easier said than done. There are things outside of your control, and…

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Acting Confidently Can Build Confidence

Acting Confidently Can Build Confidence Acting confident can build confidence through a psychological phenomenon known as the “confidence-competence loop” principle. This concept is based on the interplay between behavior, emotions, and thoughts.   Some might refer to it as “fake it till you make it.”   I don’t prefer that term. I like to look…

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The Power of Building Leadership Confidence: A Path to Success

The Power of Building Leadership Confidence: A Path to Success Confidence is a trait that can transform ordinary individuals into extraordinary leaders. While leadership skills encompass a range of qualities, building leadership confidence stands as a cornerstone of effective leadership.   In this blog, we delve into the reasons why cultivating confidence is crucial for…

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Women’s Leadership Success Mastermind Programs

Women’s Leadership Success Mastermind Programs We offer various Women’s Leadership Success Mastermind Programs that allow women to grow professionally, engage with and learn from other women, strengthen their leadership skills and insights, expand their network, and develop new friendships.   We can also facilitate mastermind programs internally for companies and organizations as well. These are…

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How We Create Effective Mentorship Programs for Women, Organizations, and Companies

How We Create Effective Mentorship Programs for Women, Organizations, and Companies Creating an effective mentorship program for women, organizations, and companies requires careful planning, clear objectives, and a commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.   Here are some steps that we take when creating mentorship programs:   Define Objectives: We work with the…

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Empowering Women in the Workplace: The Benefits of Mentoring Programs

Empowering Women in the Workplace: The Benefits of Mentoring Programs In today’s rapidly evolving corporate landscape, fostering diversity and inclusivity is paramount for organizations and companies. One essential avenue for achieving this is through mentoring programs that focus on empowering women professionals.   These mentoring initiatives not only create a supportive environment but also offer…

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You ARE the Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Own

You Are the Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Own I came across this quote, and wow… Makes you stop and think.   You’ve been handed this amazing gift of life – how well do you take care of it? How much do you appreciate it?  How often do you not take it for granted?  …

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Managers Need Better Training

Managers Need Better Training Managers need better training. Period.   And this isn’t better ‘technical’ training. It’s ‘leadership’ training.   Often a person who excels technically in their craft is promoted into a management position. When promoted, they are not always given the proper training in leadership skills. These might include:   How to have…

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Your energy level determines your success

Your energy level determines your success as a leader. Your energy level determines your success.   Which level are you at? You might be surprised.   Energy Leadership Index Assessment – an attitudinal assessment that shows you how you’re showing up each day based on your attitude, and your perception and perspective of your world.…

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Your Employees Need to Hear This

Your Employees Need to Hear This Many years ago my manager left a handwritten note on my desk right before Thanksgiving. I wasn’t expecting what was written inside and it has stuck with me over the years…   It was a particularly chaotic time with a lot of year-end items we were trying to complete…

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