Acting Confidently Can Build Confidence

Acting Confidently Can Build Confidence Acting confident can build confidence through a psychological phenomenon known as the “confidence-competence loop” principle. This concept is based on the interplay between behavior, emotions, and thoughts.   Some might refer to it as “fake it till you make it.”   I don’t prefer that term. I like to look…

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Identifying Your Triggers Can Help Manage Imposter Syndrome

Identifying Your Triggers Can Help Manage Imposter Syndrome I struggled greatly with imposter syndrome… I struggled to the point that it affected me mentally, emotionally, and physically. And I didn’t talk about it with anyone. What is imposter syndrome? Imposter syndrome is characterized by a persistent feeling of not being good enough despite evidence of…

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What is Imposter Syndrome: A guide to managing imposter syndrome

What is Imposter Syndrome: A guide to managing imposter syndrome   Imposter Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which individuals feel anxiety and doubt their accomplishments, despite evidence of success. It’s common among high-achieving professionals, including entrepreneurs and business owners. Those affected may feel like frauds or fear that they will be exposed as incapable…

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How Would You Have to Change Your Thinking…?

How Would You Have to Change Your Thinking…? I find this to be a pretty powerful question.   It forces you to reach beyond your limiting thoughts.   It’s easy to default to overly critical thoughts. Our brains are wired to protect us. Therefore it’s easier to question reaching beyond your comfort zone.   Maybe…

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How are YOU Showing Up Each Day?

How Are YOU Showing Up Each Day? You start your day in a “less than stellar” mood. That mood carries with you throughout the day and follows you home. You’re not even exactly sure why…   The mood accompanies you to meetings, one-on-one discussions with people on your team, and dinner with your family.   When…

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Choose Your Thoughts Wisely

Choose Your Thoughts Wisely “…the group who only MENTALLY rehearsed the same exercises demonstrated a 22% increase in muscle strength.” The mind is incredible.  This is what happened… 👇 When I read this study several years ago, I found it fascinating. It was published in a 1992 Journal of Neurophysiology and there are many newer studies…

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Negative Self-Talk

Negative Self-Talk “I’m not experienced enough.” “I’m not talented enough.” “I’m not deserving enough.”   If you could strike the word “not” out of your vocabulary when it came to self-talk, how might things change?   Negative self-talk perpetuates unproductive thinking.   It can send us down that imposter syndrome rabbit hole.   It can…

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This ONE sentence changed my life…

This ONE sentence changed my life… When I was struggling the most with imposter syndrome, any new challenge or assignment felt like a threat to my very existence. It felt like one more opportunity to show the world why I didn’t deserve to be where I was.   That’s the thing with imposter syndrome -…

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Fighting Self-Doubting Thoughts

Fighting Self-Doubting Thoughts Self-doubting thoughts and the fear of being found a fraud consume your mind.   “I don’t know if I deserved this opportunity.” “What if they find out I’m not as smart as they thought I was?” “I know there are other people who deserved this opportunity more than I did – what if they…

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