Confidence Tracks - A blog about leadership, success, confidence, authenticity, and communication.

The Confidence Track Blog

Your energy level determines your success

By Lisa Hinz | February 16, 2023
Your energy level determines your success as a leader. Your energy level determines your success.   Which level are you at? You might be surprised.   Energy Leadership Index Assessment - an attitudinal assessment that shows you how you're showing up each day based on your attitude, and your perception and perspective of your world. ... Read More

Important message for those affected by layoffs

By Lisa Hinz | February 9, 2023
Important Message for Those Affected by Layoffs To those affected by #layoffs, don't underestimate the importance of taking some time to focus on self-care and your mindset.   Take some time to process what you just went through and how you're feeling. It's mental decluttering. When your mind is cluttered, it can be difficult to focus ... Read More

Losing a job is tough, but it doesn’t have to stay that way

By Lisa Hinz | February 6, 2023
Losing a job is tough. But it doesn't have to stay that way. Losing a job is tough. But it doesn't have to stay that way.   If you or someone you know has experienced a job loss, it is a tremendously difficult thing to go through. There is a grieving process that takes place, ... Read More

Your Employees Need to Hear This

By Lisa Hinz | January 18, 2023
Your Employees Need to Hear This Many years ago my manager left a handwritten note on my desk right before Thanksgiving. I wasn't expecting what was written inside and it has stuck with me over the years…   It was a particularly chaotic time with a lot of year-end items we were trying to complete ... Read More

What it Means to Have GRIT as a Leader

By Lisa Hinz | January 11, 2023
What it Means to Have GRIT as a Leader I love this word.   And while I can't help but think of Yellowstone when I hear it, I do wonder - what does it mean to have GRIT as a leader?   Here are a few thoughts…   Confident.   Unflappable.   Determined.   Unwavering. ... Read More

5 Ways People Deal with Change or Conflict

By Lisa Hinz | January 4, 2023
5 Ways People Deal with Change or Conflict Here are FIVE ways people typically deal with change or conflict…   · Remain a victim to it · Avoid the change or conflict · Change the situation · Alter your perspective of the experience ·  Accept it   #1 - Remain a victim to it. When you choose to remain a ... Read More

Are unclear roles and responsibilities hurting your team?

By Lisa Hinz | December 28, 2022
Are unclear roles and responsibilities hurting your team? Here's what you should know…   When it comes to assigning and communicating roles and responsibilities - clarity matters.   When there is a lack of clarity around roles and responsibilities, it can come at a cost: · Lack of Engagement · Weakened Relationships · Conflict Over ... Read More

Find Your People and Enrich Your Life

By Lisa Hinz | December 21, 2022
Find Your People and Enrich Your Life I had the best therapy ever - a week with my sisters...   We have had annual sisters' trips for the last 25+ years. We are always told by many how lucky we are. And we do realize we have something special that not everyone has and are forever ... Read More

How Would You Have to Change Your Thinking…?

By Lisa Hinz | December 14, 2022
How Would You Have to Change Your Thinking...? I find this to be a pretty powerful question.   It forces you to reach beyond your limiting thoughts.   It's easy to default to overly critical thoughts. Our brains are wired to protect us. Therefore it's easier to question reaching beyond your comfort zone.   Maybe ... Read More

How are YOU Showing Up Each Day?

By Lisa Hinz | December 8, 2022
How Are YOU Showing Up Each Day? You start your day in a "less than stellar" mood. That mood carries with you throughout the day and follows you home. You're not even exactly sure why...   The mood accompanies you to meetings, one-on-one discussions with people on your team, and dinner with your family.   When ... Read More